Casual Conversation 101
By Thrythlind

The scene was an unusual one, mostly because the people around the table in the rather bare room were from several different dimensions and time periods.

A youth with blue-stone skin irritably sipped a cup of coffee and scowled. His long pointed ears every once in a while shifted position to catch all the sounds about him.

Across from him, leaning against a wall, a blue haired woman in a dark cloak tightened and released her grasp on an energy whip's handle. She cast her narrowed eyes about the room at the other people inside.

A young man with a blank face sat at the table proper, just staring forward. He seemed completely unconcerned with everybody around him. Whether he was alive or not was a difficult question.

Leaning against a wall in the back of a room were two young men, perhaps fifteen years old. Both had spiky brown hair, though the taller one's bangs were longer. The shorter young man wore nearly form fitting black pants and a dark green tank top. The tall slender boy wore black pants and a long-sleeved blue sweater. The way they overlapped their line of site it was obvious that they knew each other and were watching each other's back.

In another corner a tall white-haired man sat down with a great sword comfortably resting against his shoulder in a position that it could be easily reached. His left boot was resting on his knee and the way he moved that leg would make you think he was almost aiming it.

Almost completely faded into the shadows of the last corner away from the door was a great cloaked form. Aside from the flowing dark cloth the only thing that could be seen was the occaisional clawed hand, and the motionless mask that seemed to make up the figure's face.

Suddenly all eyes were riveted to the door as a short, cheerful young girl with pointing ears and blonde-furred tail nearly bounced in.


"Keep it down please," the young man in the green tank top asked quietly. One or two of the other people in the room nodded.

~This is going to be hard,~ the girl thought as she sweat dropped. She checked her attendance list real quick.